IEPF By-Laws


As of and including, July 2023 AGM decisions.

Updated October 2023

Article 1.

All outgoing written correspondence from the Secretary should be replied to in writing. A telephone reply is acceptable initially but a written confirmation of this must follow.

Article 2.

Secretary should copy all relevant correspondence to board members and national Secretaries.

Article 3. Disciplinary proceedings

  1. The WEPF distinguishes between the following sanctions :
    • warning of representatives, members and players
    • suspension of officials
    • suspension of members and/or their teams or players for a certain time and/or certain tournaments
    • fines and
    • expulsion of members from the WEPF.

    Authorities of the WEPF are entitled to combine several sanctions.

Article 4. Applicability of sanctions

  1. People and authorities liable to observe statutes and regulations of the WEPF may be sanctioned in case of their deliberate or negligent violation, or in the case of inappropriate behaviour.

Article 5. Objections

  1. Sanctions which have not been imposed by the General Meeting can be objected to.
  2. The next Ordinary General Meeting has the final decision on objections.

Article 6. Dress Code

  1. Match Dress :

    (All matches in the Singles events)
    Countries National team shirts or the WEPF preferred clothing partners Team Shirts, or any polo shirt deemed to be suitable by the event organisers, proper pants (trousers), matching socks and proper shoes (canvas or running type shoes are not allowed).

    (All matches in the Team events)
    Countries National team shirts or the WEPF preferred clothing partners Team Shirts, proper pants (trousers), matching socks and proper shoes (canvas or running type shoes are not allowed).

  2. Opening Function :

    Match dress, with national colours, blazer where possible. Uniformity is compulsory for all countries. A normal tie may replace bow if so desired but then the whole team must be dressed alike./p>

  3. Closing Function :

    National colours with blazer where possible, with or without waistcoat, bow tie or ordinary tie must be worn. Ladies have the option of dressing in evening wear should they wish to.

  4. Attendance as Spectators :

    Play off’s : Any dress (except objectionable or offensive logo's)
    TV Stages : Smart casual or National colours.
    Finals : Smart casual or National colours.

  5. At the table :

    Match dress for singles events. Match dress for Team events.

  6. Dress in and around the Playing Arena :

    No Player or Official, is allowed to wear his or her National Colours i.e. Blazer, without a Tie or Bow Tie in the arena, or while being social, those concerned should go and change into something casual if they wish to dress down. They should have proper casual wear identifying them with their country if they so desire.

Article 7. Expenses

  1. The following Executive officers defined as, President, Secretary, & Treasurer, will for attending the World Championships, have their agreed and reasonable travel costs paid for by the WEPF and have their agreed and reasonable accommodation costs, covered for the duration of the event. Including one day before and one day after event, paid from the WEPF budget.
  2. The remaining expenses and those of other officers are to be paid for by their own country when meetings are held at the time of the World Championships. On occasions when other meetings take place outside the World Championships, the WEPF cover the costs, if funds are available, if funds are not available then the expenses are paid by the persons own country.
  3. The President will receive an annual entertainment allowance set by the AGM.
Sponsorship/Contract deals.

The Sponsorship/marketing Director works and liaises with the Host Countries on all future World Championships regarding Sponsors and contract deals.

Article 8. Annual Membership and Fees

  1. These fees are to be decided at the AGM based on these levels :
    1. Full membership, with a voice and full voting rights
    2. Affiliate membership, with a voice but with lesser voting rights
    3. Associate membership, with a voice but no right to vote
    4. Provisional membership, with no voice at meetings and no vote
    5. Non Participating Provisional membership, with no voice and no vote
  2. If payment is not made within one month, then an additional late payment fee is payable at the rate of 10% per month. If payment is not received within three months of the due date, the member country will be expelled.
  3. The WEPF Treasurer shall follow-up arrears and the procedure will be :
    • Send out initial invoices before the due date
    • Re-invoice if payment is not received within one month
    • Re-invoice again if payment is not made within two months
    • Re-invoice again after three months with a warning of lapsed membership
  4. At least two months before each AGM, the WEPF must receive a formal application by a country applying for new provisional membership or the retention of existing provisional membership’
  5. In order to keep the WEPF records up to date, members must provide the WEPF Secretary with a newly completed membership update form by the 31st March each year. Failure to provide this update within the prescribed time limit will result in a fine of £50.00 being imposed.
    1. The WEPF Secretary shall, within one calendar month of receiving the information as collected by the Members Update Form as described in 8.5 above, list all Primary Official Contact details per each Member Country and circulate the said list to each listed Member Country Primary Official for use as a definitive contact list by all listed Member Countries.
    2. In addition to the submission of the Members Update Form of 8.5 by the given date, it shall be the further responsibility of each Member Country to inform the WEPF Secretary of any amendments to the details of their Primary Official within seven days of such change taking place.
    3. It shall be the duty of the WEPF Secretary to update all Member Country Primary Officials of any amendments as described in 8.6.b. within seven days of receiving said amendment.
    4. The list, to be known as the Primary Officials Detailed Contact List, shall also include the details of each of the WEPF Executive Officers.
    5. The information contained in paragraphs ‘a to d’ above must be copied to the Assistant Secretary.

Article 9. Entry Fees

  1. Singles Fees
    1. All singles entry fees to be reviewed at the WEPF AGM.
    2. All singles entry fees for the following year’s World Championships to be confirmed at the WEPF AGM.
    3. The singles entry fee will apply to all players in member Country playing squads.
    4. The singles entry fee for players not in member Country squads will be £25.00 more than the agreed base cost agreed at the WEPF AGM
  2. Team Fees
    1. All team entry fees to be reviewed at the WEPF AGM.
    2. All team entry fees for the following year’s World Championships to be confirmed at the WEPF AGM.

This policy will be effective from Tuesday 24th October 2023.

This policy has been endorsed by the Ultimate Pool Group (UPG).

The World Eight Ball Pool Federation (WEPF) works hard to promote a positive and inclusive environment for all 8-ball pool players and supporters.

The WEPF is passionate about providing everyone with equal and fair opportunities to achieve their ambitions.

The WEPF will not discriminate on any grounds - including gender and gender identity – and will support individuals who are in the process of reassigning their sex. Steps in transition may be ‘social’ (for example - changing of name, appearance) and or ‘medical’ (for example – surgery, treatment).

Under the Equality Act 2010 - Gender reassignment refers to anyone who is proposing to undergo, is undergoing, or has undergone a process (or part of a process) for the purpose of reassigning their sex by changing physiological or other attributes of sex. The law protects players, officials and coaches from discrimination and clubs should support anyone taking steps to ‘reassign their sex’ (or transition), whether those steps are ‘social’ (e.g., changing their name and pronoun, the way they look or dress) or ‘medical’ (e.g., hormone treatment, surgery). WEPF operates a self-identification policy with respect to gender and reserves the right to test hormone/testosterone levels in line with current IOC guidance.

Current IOC guidance at the date of policy publication is as follows:

Those who transition from male to female are eligible to compete in the female category under the following conditions:

  1. The athlete has declared that her gender identity is female. The declaration cannot be changed, for sporting purposes, for a minimum of four years.
  2. The athlete must demonstrate that her total testosterone level in serum has been below 10 nmol/L for at least 12 months prior to her first competition (with the requirement for any longer period to be based on a confidential case-by-case evaluation, considering whether or not 12 months is a sufficient length of time to minimise any advantage in women’s competition)
  3. The athlete's total testosterone level in serum must remain below 10 nmol/L throughout the period of desired eligibility to compete in the female category.
  4. Compliance with these conditions may be monitored by testing. In the event of noncompliance, the athlete’s eligibility for female competition will be suspended for 12 months.

Applications to compete in the Women`s category.

Applications from any trans or non-binary competitor who seeks to compete in the Women`s categories must comply with the following process:

  • Notify WEPF of a change in gender identity, this information will be recorded by WEPF.
  • Submit an attestation from a medical professional that the competitor`s total testosterone level in serum is below 10nmol/L and has been for at least 12 months prior to the competitor`s first tournament. The testosterone level must remain below 10nmol/L whilst competing in the Women`s events.
  • The competitor`s gender identity cannot be changed for a minimum of 4 years.

All information will be collated and stored in accordance with GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018.

Compliance with these conditions may be monitored by testing, in the event of non-compliance the competitor`s eligibility for the Women`s categories may be suspended for a period of up to 12 months.

Process for notification

Notifications must be made in writing and submitted to

Article 10. Refer to ANNEXE B

  1. National Teams may wear their own sponsors logo, the maximum size as specified by the WEPF, provided that they do not have any conflict with the WEPF event sponsors.
  2. All proposed sponsors advertising / logos must be approved by the tournament director prior to the WEPF event. The WEPF reserve the right to reject the logo(s).
  3. The WEPF reserve the right to require players to wear the badge/logo of any agreed sponsors or co-sponsor of an event.

Article 11. Refer to ANNEXE A

Any WEPF executive member has the right to check at any time that a player fulfils all the criteria required to participate in a competition.

Over 50s/ over 60s / under 23’s and juniors are to be defined by age not gender.

Article 12.

  1. WEPF Members :
    1. Members must make every effort to support the WEPF by sending players to participate in WEPF events.
    2. Where practicable, Members must make every effort to run qualification events for the WEPF World Championship singles events.
  2. Non Members :

    A country may attend their first World Championship as non members but must then affiliate to the WEPF at that year's AGM, or during that year, or on receiving an invitation to the next World Championship, in order to be able to compete in future events.

  3. Hosting World Championships :

    At the 2019 AGM it was decided that from time to time the world championships would move out of England which was received positively by the members. That no more than a maximum of 3 years or less each time that the world championships is hosted by other countries.

Article 13. Individual players

Individual players from member and non member countries may be invited to participate in the World Championships.

Article 14. Invited players

Invited players should be sent a copy of the playing rules before the event.

Article 15. Team Events

  1. Men's, Ladies, Seniors events
    1. All member Countries can submit a maximum playing squad of ten (10) players.
    2. Member Counties must declare all squad players prior to the commencement of the World Championships.
    3. All ten (10) players can appear on the team sheets and be available to substitute in and out of matches.
    4. Once the World Championships have commenced, a squad list can only be changed with the approval of the WEPF Executive.

    Men’s Event:
    Each member country should enter a 10 player squad, with 7 named players in a team plus 3 (optional) named reserves, making a total of 10 squad players in each match.

    Ladies Event:
    Each member Country can enter a 10 player squad, with 5 named players in a team plus 5 (optional) named reserves, making a total of 10 squad players in each match.

    Seniors Event:
    Each member Country can enter a 10 player squad, with 5 named players in a team plus 5 (optional) named reserves, making a total of 10 squad players in each match.

    Senior players must be over 50 on the 31st December in the year preceding the World Championships.

  2. Juniors Event
    1. Each member Country should enter a 5-player squad, with 3 named players in a team plus 2 (optional) named reserves, making a total of 5 squad players in each match.
    2. Substitutes are allowed during the team matches, but once a player has been removed from the match, they can return.
    3. All 5 players in the junior team event to be available for selection in all matches at the World Championships with 2 substitutes available to play for every match.
    4. Under 18 players must be under 18 on the 31st December in the year preceding the World Championships. Semi-finals and final now best of 15 frames.
  3. Under 23 Event
    1. Each member Country should enter a 5-player squad, with 3 named players in a team plus 2 (optional) named reserves, making a total of 5 squad players in each match.
    2. Substitutes are allowed during the team matches, but once a player has been removed from the match, they can return.
    3. All 5 players in the Under 23 team event to be available for selection in all matches at the World Championships with 2 substitutes available to play for every match.
    4. Under 23 players must be under 23 on the 31st December in the year preceding the World Championships. Semi-finals and final now best of 15 frames.
  4. Master’s event.(Over 60)
    1. Each member Country should enter a 5-player squad, with 3 named players in a team plus 2 (optional) named reserves, making a total of 5 squad players in each match.
    2. Substitutes are allowed during the team matches, but once a player has been removed from the match, they can return.
    3. All 5 players in the master’s team event to be available for selection in all matches at the World Championships with 2 substitutes available to play for every match.
    4. Master players must be over 60 on the 31st December in the year preceding the World Championships. Semi-finals and final now best of 15 frames.
  5. Team Squad Changes
    1. The names of the squad members must be with the Tournament Director a minimum of two months before the event.
    2. The WEPF Executive will only consider a squad change request if there are extenuating circumstances.
    3. The WEPF Executive will only consider a squad change if the member Country is not able to field the minimum numbers required for a full team.
    4. All member Countries that are playing in the affected division must be notified of the proposed squad change.
    5. All member Countries that are playing in the affected division will have the opportunity to speak for or against the proposal.
    6. If a WEPF Executive is from the country requesting the squad change then they must remove themselves from the hearing.
    7. The decision of the WEPF Executive is FINAL.
  6. In the TV stages the same format and table size will be used as used in the qualifying stages.
  7. Scotch Doubles. All categories

    Players to enter from their respective Team squads only. e.g.- Men 10 squad players = 5 Doubles.

    Entry fee the same price per person as respective single entry fees.

    Players to have alternative breaks.

    Players only allowed to talk before their turn of play, not after each potting of a ball.

    All other WEPF rules apply.

    Men’s, Ladies, Seniors, Under 23’s, Juniors, Over 60’s.

Article 16. Singles Nominations

  1. Each member country may nominate an agreed number of players from their team to be seeded into the first round proper, depending on the number of entries. The remainder of the players are entitled to enter the preliminary round.
  2. Previous World Champions no longer playing for their country will be allowed into the last 64 stage of the World Championships for three years and enter the preliminary section for a further two years, this will be for five consecutive years from when they last won the championships.

Article 17. Ladies Singles Event

  1. All ladies team members may enter into the ladies individual event, the format to be based on the men's individual event. Top four players only will be seeded.
  2. In the women’s draw each country gets two seeded players and they are put into different halves of the draw and the draw decides equal numbered ones in each half of the draw. These country seeded places will not be lost or affected by the main seedings,

Article 18. Junior Events General

  1. Junior players must be under 18 on the 31st December in the year preceding the World Championships.
  2. Junior players are not permitted to participate in both the junior and senior events. This applies to the individual and team events.
  3. No junior under the age of sixteen will be allowed to play at senior level.
  4. A junior player may choose to play at junior or senior level in international competitions, however having once played at senior level, the player will be deemed to have relinquished his or her junior status at international level, for all future events and cannot subsequently drop down to junior level
  5. Players in Junior squads must not consume alcohol during or at events and functions.

Junior Singles Event

  1. All junior team members may enter the Junior Individual Championship event.
  2. There will be no prize fund for the Junior events.
  3. Junior singles event is to be split in to age categories of U14 and U18 providing numbers are sufficient, players can only enter one category.

Article 19. Under 23 Singles Event

  1. All U23 team members may enter the Under 23 Individual Championship event.
  2. All U23 team members may also enter the Men’s Individual Championships event.

Article 20. Seniors Singles Event

  1. All Seniors team members may enter the Seniors Individual Championship event.
  2. All Seniors team members may also enter the Men’s Individual Championships event. Top four players only will be seeded.

Article 21. Men’s Competition Draw

  1. The competition draw should be scrutinised and players’ names must be submitted by the closing date.
  2. Qualifiers should be drawn out in such a way that players do not play a fellow countryman in the first round.

Article 22. Winners in Round Robin Events

(Final Ladder Positions)
  1. In all round robin events at the World Championships, the ladder will be sorted from top to bottom using the following rule:
    1. Most Match Wins
  2. If there are two or more teams with equal match wins, the finishing order will then be determined by the following rule:
    1. Highest Frames Percentage (Frames won divided by frames played)
  3. If there are two or more teams with an equal frames percentage, the finishing order will then be determined by the following rule:
    1. Results of the matches between the teams involved.
  4. If the final finishing order still cannot be determined using the above rules then the following rule applies:
    1. The final finishing order will be declared as a tie.
  5. If the tied teams are in finals calculations then a tie breaker will be determined by the following rule:
    1. The WEPF will break the tie by drawing the teams ‘out of a hat’.
    2. The first team ‘out of the hat’ will receive the higher ranking.
    3. The ‘hat’ draw must be done in the presence of all teams involved.

Article 23. Seeded Players

  1. The policy of having seeded players for W/Champ's is by the format submitted by the Tournament Director (in 1996, taking the results from the previous three years. Seedings to be used from 1997 onwards with the champion seeded 1, plus 7 other players ranked next on the ranking lists that are entered into that W/Champ's. These 8 seeds will enter the event at the last 64 stage, as passed at the 2011 AGM.
  2. The 3 players (excluding the champion) reaching the semi-finals in any one year will be guaranteed an invitation into the last 64 for the following year, unless they go into the last 64 as a seeded player.
  3. The top 8 seeded players remain eligible and are offered places regardless of their team position as they have earned their place. Allocation of places in the last 64 from countries and any places given would be counted as the team’s allocation of places.
  4. Players ranked in the top eight seeded places who got there by their own means, that is via the qualifiers, will keep their seeded places whether they are supported by a country or not. The qualifiers would then remain ‘Open'
  5. Players ranked in the top eight seeded places who got there by qualification because they were a member of a national squad and therefore gained direct entry into the event without going through qualifiers, must have the permission of their country in order to retain their top eight seeded place.
  6. If a country agreed to let a player (team or ex-team) retain their seeded place they would not lose one of their own seeded places (gained according to team position over last three years).
  7. Entrants in to the Ladies or Seniors singles will be awarded rankings points on the same format as is applied to the men. Top four Ladies and Seniors will be seeded in to the draw based on their rankings points achieved in the previous three years.
  8. All seeded players must pay an annual affiliation fee to either the WEPF or their National association/federation to retain their seeded place. Their seeded place should not affect their national association/federations seeded places as they are currently awarded.
  9. If they do not pay an affiliation fee then they can only enter the event through the qualifying competitions organised by the WEPF or the WEPF member countries, there is an appeal available to the WEPF.

Article 24. Team Photos

These sessions will be held at an appropriate time, designated by the Tournament Director.

Article 25. Press/Media

Host country to appoint a press/media officer and that results from the previous day be available by 10.00 am the following day.

Article 26. 'World Teams'

Each year Men’s and Ladies 'World Teams' will be selected. These teams will be taken each year individually and it consists of the top nine players at the end of the tournament (taken from the top 7 players off the ranking lists, from the team events).

Article 27. Drugs Policy

  1. The WEPF have a policy banning drugs of enhancement, as endorsed by the members and as published.
  2. The WEPF reserve the right to carry out testing in line with that policy.
  3. The WEPF reserve the right to discipline any player found to be in breach of the drugs policy.

Article 28. Player Performance List

Each year an individual performance list is to be produced from points gained from the last three years team event performances.

Article 29. Additional Clauses

  1. The Host Country of every World Championships shall have the below two options to coordinate accommodation bookings:
    1. The host country can allow countries to book accommodation outside the main venue. In such circumstances countries can book their own accommodation elsewhere and pay GBP 4 / EURO 6 per person per night to the host country as a surcharge.
    2. The host country can opt to request all countries and participants to stay and book their accommodation in the main venue. In such circumstances bookings are to be made through the host organisation.
  2. Everyone in team squads must stay from the opening ceremony to the closing ceremony. There being a proviso that if it is agreed that people may leave early, then the £4 per person, per night surcharge is still payable.
  3. World Masters: All parties must agree for things to happen with the World Masters. Each has the right of veto with ‘consensus’ management to be followed. A player banned by the WEPF is not eligible to play in the World Masters.

Accepted as International Eight-ball Pool Championship specifications, by the member countries of the IEPF

  1. Object balls shall be 2 inches (50.8 mm) diameter and weight of 116 grams, + 2 grams. Aramith Pro-Cup balls will be used for all IEPF International events.
  2. Cue ball shall be 17/8 inches (47.6 mm) diameter and a weight of 94 grams, + 2 grams. And the ‘spotted’ cue ball will be used at IEPF International events.
  3. Maximum playing surface to be, 7 feet x 3 feet 6 inches (213.36cm x 106.68cm)
    (playing surface being the flat slate area between the cushion faces)
    (the cushion faces being the part of the cushion that the ball(s) contact).
  4. Minimum playing surface must be 6 feet x 3 feet (182.88cm x 91.44cm)
    (playing surface being the flat slate area between the cushion faces)
    (the cushion faces being those parts of the cushion that the ball(s) contact).
  5. Cushion faces to have a narrow flat face.
  6. Table height to be between, 31½ inches & 33½ inches (80cm & 85cm).
  7. The playing surface and cushion cloth must be a ‘nap’ cloth, 30 oz. The nap to run from baulk to pyramid.
  8. Pocket size and cut to be as per IEPF agreed templates.
    Depth of pockets to be,
    85mm (3.35 inches /approx. 311/32“) corners and 95mm (3.74 inches / approx. 33/4“) centres, minimum measurement.
  9. Lighting to be three shades, (or LED equivalent) one over the centre of the table and one shade 20 inches (50.8cm) either side of centre.
    The height to be 32½ inches (82.55 cm) from the playing surface of the level table to the bottom of the shade.
  10. The baulk line to be positioned 1/5th (20%) of the length between the face of the end cushions.
  11. The pyramid spot to be in the centre of the top half of the table.

Accepted at the IEPF AGM of 2011

The Board has established criteria for the use of logos by members during play at all IEPF tournaments and tournaments sanctioned by the Association, (Televised and non-televised). The criteria are set out in this Code of Practice.

The Code must be read in conjunction with the relevant current Rules of Discipline. Members are particularly reminded that they may be in breach of the Rules and/or prevented from playing in a Tournament if they fail to observe all or any part of the Code.

  1. For most Tournaments, Members will now be allowed to wear two logos. One will belong to the IEPF and the other to individual Members. These are described in the Code as the “the IEPF Logo” and “the Players Logo” respectively.
  2. The IEPF does not intend to utilise its rights to the IEPF Logo in every season and may waive their rights in any given year. Members would therefore be free to sell for their own benefit the rights to the IEPF Logo for that season, in addition to the Players Logo, subject to the Requirements of the Rules of Discipline and this Code.
  3. No Member may wear a logo unless it has first been approved by and registered with the host Country acting as agents for the IEPF for the World Championships. This is to ensure that the logo falls within the criteria established by the Board to control design and content and to avoid conflict with the purchasers of rights from the IEPF.
  4. Approval for a logo will be given on an annual basis, for the period 1st January to the 31st December. This is to ensure that the host Country /IEPF retains maximum flexibility in selling television rights, sponsorship rights to Tournaments, etc., for the benefit of all Members. The sale of these rights are likely to be inhibited if the product category of a potential purchaser conflicts with advertising appearing on a logo worn by a Member. The host Country /IEPF must also have regard to its existing contractual commitments to television companies and sponsors.
  5. Application for approval of a logo must be made on a form obtainable from the host Country /IEPF offices. An application made before 1st December in any year will only be given provisional approval. Members will be notified no later than 31st January whether or not final approval has been given.
  6. To ensure that members do not find themselves in breach of contract with the promoter of a tournament sanctioned by the IEPF or the purchasers of the rights to a logo, the Board recommends the inclusion of a clause in their contracts along the following lines:

    “The (purchaser) acknowledges that this contract is subject in all respects to the Rules of Discipline and to the Code of Practice relating to the wearing of logos issued by the International Eightball Pool Federation (IEPF) (as amended in each case from time to time) by which the (player) is bound and accordingly, the (player) shall not be in breach of contract by reason of his observing any requirement of those Rules or the Code”

  7. Approval will not be given for a logo which:
    1. exceeds the size and dimension approved by the Board, or
    2. is made wholly or in part of a material other than a fabric, or
    3. is of a fluorescent material, or
    4. contains lights or other electrical or reflective material, or
    5. is 3-dimensional, or
    6. has an indecent or offensive content, message or slogan, or
    7. conflicts with the contractual or other requirements or product category of the purchaser of rights from the IEPF, unless the purchaser has agreed at no financial or other disadvantage to the IEPF, or
    8. has the effect of spoiling another advertisement or logo, whether by accident or intentionally, or
    9. is, or appears to be, not for bona fide commercial advertising purposes.
  8. No Logo may exceed Six square inches in size. No single dimension of a logo may exceed Six inches.
  9. A logo (whether the IEPF Logo or the Players Logo may be worn only in one of Six places and no more than one logo may appear in each, unless the IEPF has given its prior approval in writing. In the event of a conflict between the position of the IEPF logo and the Players Logo, the former shall prevail. The Six places are:
    1. the left hand side of the front of the waistcoat, below the level of the shirt sleeve.
    2. the right hand side of the front of the waistcoat, below the level of the shirt sleeve.
    3. the left shirt sleeve, between the top of the sleeve and the elbow.
    4. the right shirt sleeve, between the top of the sleeve and the elbow.
    5. the left shirt sleeve, from the elbow downwards to include the cuff.
    6. the right shirt sleeve, from the elbow downwards to include the cuff.
    The positioning of a logo will form part of any approval granted for its use. Approval will not be given for display in any other than those described above.
  10. In determining whether a logo conflicts with the product category of the purchaser of rights from the IEPF, the IEPF will have regard to the categories set out in the Schedule to this Code. However, it is emphasised that these categories are given for the guidance of Members and that the final decision will lie with the Board in its sole discretion, on a case by case basis.
  11. This Code and the relevant Rules of Discipline may be amended from time to time and Members will be notified accordingly.
  12. In applying and enforcing the code, regard will be had of its spirit as well as its wording.
  13. Further guidance and information can be obtained from:
    General Secretary, International Eightball Pool Federation