
General Information for Prospective Members

  1. There are three levels of membership of the IEPF :
    1. Full membership with a voice and two votes (at general meetings)
    2. Affiliate membership with a voice and one vote (at general meetings)
    3. Associate membership with a voice but without a vote (at general meetings)
    The level of the membership fees is set by the Annual General Meeting.
  2. An organisation requesting membership to the IEPF must be a players organisation and representing the players and be the leading organisation in its country wishing to play IEPF rules in international events and also must seek the approval of their respective Governments. Under special circumstances the Board may waive this criteria.
  3. At any given time only one organisation per country can be acknowledged by the IEPF.
  4. A membership application form must be completed which includes a list of members and officials and also details of the numbers of players this must be submitted to the IEPF Secretary.
  5. The board of the IEPF has the right to accept new members provisionally and recommend acceptance to the members. A General meeting shall make the final decision on acceptance of a new member. On acceptance a new member shall be entitled to all rights and benefits accorded to their level of membership.
  6. All members agree to acknowledge and to follow the constitution, rules and any supplementary rules of the IEPF that may be applicable at any given time.
  7. The IEPF members accept its tournament and championship rules for international events. The IEPF wishes to harmonise the rules in member countries, however each member retains its independence in relation to their own national events.
  8. Members shall provide the Secretary of the IEPF, details of their membership structure and the number of player members they have in their organisation.
  9. The request for membership to IEPF must be in writing, addressed to the Secretary.

The following documents (in duplicate) must be sent with the request :

  • Constitution and rules of the organisation requesting membership
  • Names and addresses of the officials of the governing body (committee, commission etc.)
  • Number of affiliated clubs and the number of their members (players)
  • A copy of the minutes of the meeting which decided to request membership